
If you still have doubts about whether or not to choose the profession of a designer, we offer to weigh all the pros and cons. Let’s start with the nice things.


  • Variety of spheres of activity: if previously the work of the designer was associated only with the development of a clothing line, interior design or landscape design, but now graphic and web designers are gaining popularity. It is possible to master several skills and become a versatile specialist.
  • High pay on the labor market: of course, it depends on the level of the specialist, but if you prove yourself well, then, believe me, headhunters will start hunting for you.
  • Ability to work freelance or remotely, adjusting your schedule.
  • No restrictions in the market: no one prevents you from being in the same city, and work, for example, in a capital or foreign company.
  • Popularity of the profession: yes, over time it will only improve, but it is unlikely to disappear altogether.
  • A lot of new acquaintances: constant negotiations with customers, visits to exhibitions and presentations are the things that a designer’s work is not without.
  • Availability of information to study: there are now many different courses and tutorials on the Internet that will help you learn this field or improve your skills.
  • But despite all the above advantages, the design profession has its own nuances.


  • Not everyone can properly allocate their time while working a freelance schedule. Often designers overestimate their strength, working day and night. However, this problem can easily be solved. We advise you to check out our online program “Best Time Management Techniques,” where in a few weeks you will learn effective techniques for managing your time, goal setting, collaboration, which are used by successful people and well-known companies.
  • It happens that the desires of the client do not coincide with the vision of the designer, and it is difficult for a creative person to work within certain limits and limit his imagination.
  • Routine: work in a graphic editor, drawing up technical documentation, sketches are not always accompanied by a variety of activities.
  • It is necessary to constantly improve and maintain their competitiveness: the world is changing, computer technology does not stand still, so you need to keep abreast of changes in the field of design.
  • Creative crisis is possible: it is inherent in everyone who works in such a field. The constant generation and implementation of ideas require strength and inspiration, so there are moments of emotional exhaustion.
  • To become a successful and in-demand designer, be prepared to learn the basics of marketing and sales, you will need them when communicating with customers and to promote their services.

To choose a profession one desire is not enough, it is important to understand whether you have the qualities that are necessary.